I’ll be honest, sometimes it’s hard for me to just relax and let loose. I get into a project and make strides at first, but then things start to slow down, like dial-up connection slow. I just get hung up on my own ideas and perfectionism and start a downward spiral of anger and frustration. It is my biggest productivity suck, if I don’t count Skyrim, which I suppose I should. But the problem is, I rinse and repeat this problem over and over. I have since high school and it really dragged me down in college, like under a 3.0 down. Luckily I know kind of how to end the cycle, but it’s a fine line.

I really need a structured environment. Working from home would be awesome, but my PS3 to work ratio is tough to keep in check. I also need to let loose every once in a while. I started to do this in college after my sophomore year and my GPA rocketed to a 3.8 and then a 3.9 where it stayed until graduation. I still couldn’t undo the 2.7s but I was, at least, happy to have found what was missing. It honestly increased every aspect of my life. I got more work done, and done well. I had more time to spend with friends and subsequently more friends. I really enjoyed college after I achieved that balance.
I recently took a trip with my girlfriend, Jan, to Atlantic City. I had never been, and I am not was not a fan of gambling. After this weekend I was again reminded of the need for a balance. I haven’t posted in over a month, and I apologize for that. I was just overwhelmed with life and in a bit of a rut, which I think I’m out of now. I gambled for three days, won big on the first and last days and lost enough to come out around even on the second day, swam in a pool overlooking the ocean, and walked on the beach in February. I mostly just had fun goofing off with my girlfriend who I don’t get to see that much because she lives about three and a half hours away. It was awesome. I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the world again. I’m just excited for so many things and honestly I feel like I don’t have time to sleep (manic phase anyone!?).

If you feel like you are overwhelmed, maybe step back for a day. Take a night off and go out with some friends. Hell, go out for the weekend and have some fun. It will motivate you to get back into the grind on Monday and start creating your best work. You can work and play, and for me I think the harder I work, the harder I need to play. Any thoughts on what keeps you in the productivity zone? I’ve been so productive, I’ve even got my post for tomorrow almost done, and I’m not even finished writing this! Remember, when you’re stressed: Keep Calm and Call the Doctor.